Kredyt hipoteczny
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- Kredyt hipoteczny

Kredyt hipoteczny dla nierezydent贸w w Hiszpanii
Banki w Hiszpanii udzielaj膮 kredyt贸w dla nierezydent贸w na szczeg贸lnych dla nich warunkach.聽
Okres kredytowania wynosi od 5 do 25 lat, a kredytobiorca musi mie膰 mniej ni偶 75 lat. Wk艂ad w艂asny, w zale偶no艣ci od banku, wynosi od 30% do 40%
Oprocentowanie obecnie (2022r.) wynosi oko艂o 3,5% w skali roku.聽
Procedura uzyskania kredytu hipotecznego trwa oko艂o dwa miesi膮ce od czasu z艂o偶enia dokument贸w wymaganych przez bank.聽
Jakie dokumenty nale偶y z艂o偶y膰 w banku?聽
- paszport lub dow贸d osobisty
- numer NIE
- BIK (historia kredytowa)
- PIT z dw贸ch ostatnich lat
- za艣wiadczenie o zatrudnieniu lub wypis z KRS
- w przyda艂y zatrudnienia potwierdzenie trzech ostatnich wyp艂at聽
- wyci膮gi z konta z 6 ostatnich miesi臋cy
Umow臋 o udzieleniu kredytu hipotecznego podpisuje si臋 w formie umowy notarialnej. Obecna ustawa wymaga dwukrotnej obecno艣ci kredytobiorcy u notariusza; pierwszy raz, aby zapozna膰 si臋 z tre艣ci膮 umowy i odpowiedzie膰 na kilka pyta艅 dotycz膮cych warunk贸w udzielenia kredytu. Druga wizyta to ju偶 w艂a艣ciwe podpisanie aktu notarialnego zar贸wno kupna sprzeda偶y nieruchomosci, a nast臋pnie umowy hipotecznej. Koszty umowy hipotecznej pokrywa bank. Prowizje bankowe, np. otwarcia kredytu pozostaj膮 po stronie kredytobiorcy.聽
Je艣li maja Pa艅stwo wi臋cej pyta艅 dotycz膮cych udzielenia kredytu hipotecznego w Hiszpanii, zapraszamy do kontaktu – z ch臋ci膮 rozwiejemy wszelkie w膮tpliwo艣ci.聽
Zaleta numer jeden
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam ut ipsum suscipit, posuere felis sit amet, tristique metus. Pellentesque ex justo, ullamcorper sit amet tempus sed, pellentesque sed lectus.
Zaleta numer dwa
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam ut ipsum suscipit, posuere felis sit amet, tristique metus. Pellentesque ex justo, ullamcorper sit amet tempus sed, pellentesque sed lectus.
Zaleta numer trzy
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam ut ipsum suscipit, posuere felis sit amet, tristique metus. Pellentesque ex justo, ullamcorper sit amet tempus sed, pellentesque sed lectus.
Zaleta numer cztery
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam ut ipsum suscipit, posuere felis sit amet, tristique metus. Pellentesque ex justo, ullamcorper sit amet tempus sed, pellentesque sed lectus.
Najcz臋stsze pytania
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit
Occupying over 8,000 square feet, perched over 1,100 feet in the air with absolutely breathtaking panoramic 360-degree views of all of New York City and the surrounding tri-state area, The 82nd Floor at 432 Park Avenue has been completely reimagined by one of the most sought-after design houses in London and represents an utterly unique opportunity to own a globally significant property.
The residence is comprised of 5 bedrooms, 2 master bathrooms, 4 on-suite guest bathrooms, 2 powder rooms, 2 offices, 2 dressing rooms, a media room, an oversized eat-in gourmet chef’s kitchen, and a sprawling 1,100 square-foot Great Room perfectly situated in the prime southwest corner of the floor.
Occupying over 8,000 square feet, perched over 1,100 feet in the air with absolutely breathtaking panoramic 360-degree views of all of New York City and the surrounding tri-state area, The 82nd Floor at 432 Park Avenue has been completely reimagined by one of the most sought-after design houses in London and represents an utterly unique opportunity to own a globally significant property.
Occupying over 8,000 square feet, perched over 1,100 feet in the air with absolutely breathtaking panoramic 360-degree views of all of New York City and the surrounding tri-state area, The 82nd Floor at 432 Park Avenue has been completely reimagined by one of the most sought-after design houses in London and represents an utterly unique opportunity to own a globally significant property.
The residence is comprised of 5 bedrooms, 2 master bathrooms, 4 on-suite guest bathrooms, 2 powder rooms, 2 offices, 2 dressing rooms, a media room, an oversized eat-in gourmet chef’s kitchen, and a sprawling 1,100 square-foot Great Room perfectly situated in the prime southwest corner of the floor.
Occupying over 8,000 square feet, perched over 1,100 feet in the air with absolutely breathtaking panoramic 360-degree views of all of New York City and the surrounding tri-state area, The 82nd Floor at 432 Park Avenue has been completely reimagined by one of the most sought-after design houses in London and represents an utterly unique opportunity to own a globally significant property.
The residence is comprised of 5 bedrooms, 2 master bathrooms, 4 on-suite guest bathrooms, 2 powder rooms, 2 offices, 2 dressing rooms, a media room, an oversized eat-in gourmet chef’s kitchen, and a sprawling 1,100 square-foot Great Room perfectly situated in the prime southwest corner of the floor.
Occupying over 8,000 square feet, perched over 1,100 feet in the air with absolutely breathtaking panoramic 360-degree views of all of New York City and the surrounding tri-state area, The 82nd Floor at 432 Park Avenue has been completely reimagined by one of the most sought-after design houses in London and represents an utterly unique opportunity to own a globally significant property.
The residence is comprised of 5 bedrooms, 2 master bathrooms, 4 on-suite guest bathrooms, 2 powder rooms, 2 offices, 2 dressing rooms, a media room, an oversized eat-in gourmet chef’s kitchen, and a sprawling 1,100 square-foot Great Room perfectly situated in the prime southwest corner of the floor.
Occupying over 8,000 square feet, perched over 1,100 feet in the air with absolutely breathtaking panoramic 360-degree views of all of New York City and the surrounding tri-state area, The 82nd Floor at 432 Park Avenue has been completely reimagined by one of the most sought-after design houses in London and represents an utterly unique opportunity to own a globally significant property.
The residence is comprised of 5 bedrooms, 2 master bathrooms, 4 on-suite guest bathrooms, 2 powder rooms, 2 offices, 2 dressing rooms, a media room, an oversized eat-in gourmet chef’s kitchen, and a sprawling 1,100 square-foot Great Room perfectly situated in the prime southwest corner of the floor.